
Showroom and Care Center

Learn about LENYO-BRT technology and experience its benefits first-hand!

LENYO-BRT Showroom

Visit the LENYO-BRT showroom to learn about our technology, devices and applications.


LENYO-BRT Care Center

Enjoy the life changing benefits of PEMF-BRT technology. We have a LENYO BRT device for everyone’s needs. Charge your Cells!

Matrix Holistic Center

The Matrix Holistic Center is a dream come true

The Matrix Holistic Center is a peaceful place, in the heart of Budapest, where people can reconnect body, mind and spirit. Featuring advanced BRT technology and devices, the Matrix Center offers visitors the opportunity to experience the science of BRT and its benefits first-hand, while also providing an ideal environment to calm the mind, focus inwardly and expand consicousness.  This truly holistic approach includes BRT, body-work modalities, meditative movement practices and nutritional support.

A pleasant and peaceful environment

All LENYO BRT devices can be viewed and experienced

Demonstrations of unqiue BRT installation solutions: lounges with wireless antennas built into the walls and partitions, wall-mounted antennas in the yoga and lecture rooms to allow participants to receive BRT during practice, presentations and eventsn partitions, in-wall antennas

Training room

Onsite BRT therapy space: clients usually purchase 10-20 session tickets

Constant feedback from our clients

Lifestyle programs to help manage energy and find mind-body balance

Nutritional support and sales

Wall-mounted antennas in the yoga and lecture room allow BRT programs to be run during the events

Clients from all over the world, typically staying 4 to 14 days

The Matrix Center is an implementation of our franchise business model


LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise
LENYO Franchise


“For years, from spring to autumn, I had severe allergies, with constant nasal congestion and eye redness. After doing BRT sessions (and cutting down on dairy products) my allergies went away and have not returned since. I recommend the Matrix Center because this technology does not just treat symptoms —  but somehow it heals the underlying cause and restores the balance of the body.”

Mark Klemm

“I had been suffering for months, and no one could figure out what was wrong with me. It seemed like a common cold on the outside, but on the inside, my sinuses were bursting. I was in such a state that I didn’t feel like doing anything, because the constant pain was really bothering me. I went to the Matrix Center several times a week for BRT sessions, and after six weeks, the discomfort was completely gone. I also changed my diet a bit, because it, too, was making a big impact on my wellbeing.”

Krisztina Papp

“I had been having bad moods for many years, and it was also difficult for me to move. My family gave me a LENYO Fractal device as a surprise gift for my birthday, and now I feel like working in my backyard again!

Istvanne Nagy

Be our Partner!


If you would like to open an independently-operating, MATRIX or LENYO Holistic Center, and want to discuss franchise terms

LENYO-BRT at your Facility

If you want to bring BRT technology into your existing care center or facility

LENYO-BRT at the Workplace

If you want to set up a prevention and relaxation area in your workplace

Partner Opportunities

Join Our  Partner Network! 

·      Referral and Reseller discounts

·      Specific partner discounts

Corporate, Professonal Athletes and Teams, Gym and Health Clubs, Beauty and Massage Salons, Care Providers, Geriatric Facilities

·      BRT demonstration center partner

·      Franchise partner

Let’s Stay Connected

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LENYO devices are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They do provide general benefits recognized for biofeedback and PEMF-based therapy devices. Individuals suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician or healthcare professional before using any BRT device. The information on this page is not intended to substitute or replace medical advice.

*This page covers general worldwide applications of PEMF therapy, not a particular device. Please check the product pages to see the individual programs and applications.