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LENYO is a cutting edge family of devices that are based on the application of BioRegulation Technology (BRT), which is a powerful new approach to PEMF technology that helps optimise cellular communication processes – resulting in better functioning cells and a boost in overall wellness and performance.


What is PEMF?

PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields. PEMF technology is a form of electric or magnetic therapy using electromagnetic fields. PEMF technology has many uses. Through a wide range of applications, PEMF technology targets the body at a cellular level, helping with a variety of disorders, diseases, conditions and injuries-both physical and emotional.

PEMFs have many uses, but find out more about the most popular applications below…

Inspired by nature

Proven by science

Synchronizes the body and mind

Better cellular communication supports all levels of biological adaptation: cellular, tissue, organ, and systems

Restful Sleep

PEMF has been shown to  improve the quality of sleep and daily recovery.

Mental-Emotional Balance

PEMF has been shown to improve concentration, mental performance, and emotional wellbeing.


PEMF can help with pain management; as well as speed up bone healing, wound recovery, scarring, and muscle recovery.

Back Pain

PEMF has been succesfully used for decades in the clinical and home treatment of back pain.


LENYO BRT technology is inspired by nature
  • Designed to match our planet’s and our tissues pulsating electromagnetic fields, LENYO BRT takes PEMF technology to the next level. By transmitting the patterns of biological information waves (e.g. the earth’s symphony of frequencies, tissue communication signals, DNA and membrane signalings, etc.) LENYO BRT devices work in true alignment with nature.
  • LENYO devices help to make available the entire information content of the targeted communication channel: they deliver the whole orchestra — just as nature intended.
LENYO Advanced BRT technology
  • Bio-regulation Technology (BRT) uses advanced Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) signaling technology to improve biological communications at the cellular level
  • LENYO offers both exogenous and endogenous device options
  • BRT has the clearest, most precise and broadest range of signaling in the PEMF industry
  • BRT supports natural signal processing enabling dormant adaptation capabilities
  • BRT functions like a local WI-FI and overbridges tissue blockages
  • The LENYO CellCom BRT device uses the body’s own biological information to generate cellular feedback signals
Safe, gentle, low-intensity, natural signalling waves
  • LENYO BRT low-intensity, electromagnetic signals are emitted in the range of the body’s own signaling level, which means they are safe to use and will not overload the natural electromagnetic activities of tissues
  • BRT signals are (at maximum) only 10% of the intensity of the earth’s natural magnetic field. The earth’s magnetic field reaches to an average of 50 micro Tesla, while the LENYO BRT devices emit only 10 micro Tesla from peak to peak (Bmax = +/- 5 micro Tesla)
  • No direct thermal effects, no heating – LENYO BRT devices do not heat up tissues — in contrast to some other types of PEMF-based devices that operate in an intensity rage of over 75 micro Tesla
  • Low-intensity PEMF signals prevent tissue exhaustion, over-stimulation and tolerance buildup
  • There are no known side effects of BRT technology. Anyone can use it — from the newborn to the elderly**Individuals suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician or healthcare professional before using any BRT device.
Speed of light
  • The body is a complex organism with many interconnected systems and sub-systems. On average, more than 100,000 adaptational processes occur in our cells each second during our entire lifetime. The internal electromagnetic communication processes that deliver the information and synchronize homeodynamics take place practically with the speed of light
  • LENYO BRT technology facilitates these communication processes by bridging communication paths that have been disrupted and clearing cellular commuication ”blockages”
Wide frequency range
  • The LENYO endogenous device uses electrodes and antennas for signal delivery, and primarily operate in the frequency range of 0,1Hz to 1MHz. The harmonics reach beyond 10 MHz, which covers the entire vibrational range of water molecules, the most abundant component of the human body (99% of the molecules of the human body are water molecules and they play a crucial role in information transduction).
  • The exogenous devices create the carrier waves through custom made antennas only and primarily operate in the frequency range of 0,1Hz to 200kHz. The harmonics also in this case reach beyond 10 MHz.
  • By generating complex, multi-frequency carrier waves LENYO BRT devices make possible to create very complex carrier waves, which are integrated into the programs and protocols.
Flexible options
  • LENYO BRT devices are available in a variety of size and feature options – from professional biofeedback devices  to easy-to-operate home devices  to convenient, mobile devices that can be used on the-go
  • Multiple sizes of pad applicators for each device
  • A broad array of programs and protocols that address a variety of application areas, including pre-programmed protocols that can be easily downloaded
    • Health and wellness, sports therapy, education and personal development, workplace productivity enhancement, and veterinary medicine
  • Easy to operate sofware
  • LENYO BRT devices can work alone or be used in conjunction with other modalities and therapies – both conventional and holistic**When using BRT together with another modality, one should consult a doctor or a naturopath to carry out the sessions.
Recognized and industry-compliant
  • PEMF technology and devices are considered safe by major scientific and medical organizations
  • PEMF-based therapy is FDA-approved in the US for specific applications
  • LENYO BRT devices are FDA-registered
Manufactured in Europe
  • PEMF is well-established worldwide and used by millions of professionals and end-users, including physicians, wellness practitioners, health facilities and international organizations
  • PEMF technology has been available in Europe for more than 50 years
  • Hippocampus manufactured PEMF- BRT devices since 1993
  • In 2023 the production and distribution of LENYO products was taken over by LENYO World Ltd.



Feel and Perform Your Best

Become a LENYO-BRT professional

PEMF-BRT technology is used worldwide to help improve physical and mental performance. Did you know that LENYO World can help you turn PEMF-BRT technology into a business?


LENYO-BRT for the whole family

Enjoy the life-changing results of PEMF-BRT technology. LENYO devices suit everyone’s needs. Charge Your Cells!

Read what the Pros are saying about LENYO

“BRT is part of my life. Since I first tried BRT and experienced its positive effect, I have never gone a week without using the devices.”
Tamas Varga

Water polo player World Champion and two-times Olympic Champion

„During the 2012 London Olympic Games, we often used the LENYO devices. I am thrilled to have won an Olympic gold medal.”
Katalin Kovacs

Multiple World Champion, three-time Olympic Champion kayaker

“Debrecen where we had the opportunity to use them during the training period. I ended up winning a gold medal.”
Sziveszter Csollany

Hungarian Olympic and World Champion gymnast

„My profession requires intensive physical work. My friend surprised me with a LENYO Mobile device, which I use regulary. I feel well, my system recovers easily, I meet challenges with no effort.”

Szilard Szego


„Daily challenges today require more and more effort, but with the support of my LENYO Mobile, I can handle my days much better now. I use my device daily in my office, and during my travels I take  it with me.”

Mark Klemm

„I had been having bad moods for many years and it was difficult for me to move. My family gave me a LENYO Fractal device as a surprise gift for my birthday. I feel like working in my backyard again.”

Istvanne Nagy

About Us

LENYO World Ltd. develops and manufactures LENYO (brand name) PEMF-based, BRT wellness devices. In addition to BRT devices, LENYO World  also develops application methods and educational material, in order to ensure precise use of the technology and optimum user results.

Our goal is to make this modern, non-invasive, safe approach to health and wellness accessible for everybody. The successes that have been achieved since Hippocampus first developed BRT and BRT devices, prove the legitimacy of the technology. LENYO BRT products are distributed in 47 countries, with local distribution agencies in select countries.

What’s Hot

LENYO Space Harmoniser

Optimal living space, even in our wave-polluted environment.

LENYO Mobile

Effective four-channel device available with different accesories.

Training for end-users, care providers and professional practitioners

We offer a variety of training courses for anyone who wants to learn more about PEMF-BRT, as well as how to integrate BRT into a successful wellnes center or facility.

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LENYO devices are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They do provide general benefits recognized for biofeedback and PEMF-based therapy devices. Individuals suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician or healthcare professional before using any BRT device. . The information on this page is not intended to substitute or replace medical advice.


*This page covers general worldwide applications of PEMF therapy, not a particular device. Please check the product pages to see the individual programs and applications.