
LENYO. Your device. Your life

Charge Your Cells!

We are honored by those who use our devices

to improve their health and find mind-body balance . . . and we are proud of everyone who has achieved success and created their best quality of life.

Thank You for Choosing LENYO!





Tamas Varga

Waterpolo, two-time Olympic Champion, World Champion

BRT has become a part of my life. Since first experiencing the benefitsof LENYO BRT devices, I use them every day.”

Katalin Kovacs

Kayaking, multiple World Champion, three-time Olympic Champion

”During the 2012 London Olympic Games, we often used LENYO BRT devices. I am thrilled to have won an Olympic gold medal.”

Balazs Kiss

Wrestling, World Champion

I often need regeneration and perfect concentration. I want to give a 100% performance. I use the LENYO BRT devices consistently.”

Tamas Kulifai

Kayaking, World Champion and Olympic silver medalist

If I want to regenerate and start the next day of training or competition recharged, I use LENYO BRT devices – during the day and at night as well. It is nice to wake up rested!”

Erika Huszar

Speed skating, European Champion, 5th-place Olympic competitor

During competitions it is important to prepare quickly and to treat injuries immediately. We use LENYO BRT devices both before and after trainings and competitions.”

Erika Csomor

Long-distance running, Hungarian duathlon, triathlon and Ironman champion

I use the LENYO BRT devices for daily preparation. Maintenance of the muscles, adaptation and mental preparation are very important to me. After an almost 9-hour Ironman competition, the first thing I do is lie down on a LENYO pad.”

Edina Kotsis

Taekwondo, silver Olympic medalist, European Champion and 16-time Hungarian Champion

My leg was injured at a competition abroad – my metatarsus broke but there was no swelling, edema or pain. After any injury I immediately use a LENYO BRT device.”

Balazs Toth

Taekwondo, World Champion bronze medalist, 19-time Hungarian Taekwondo Champion, Hungarian adult and junior team coach

My right Achilles tendon hurt for years, and nothing helped. Ever since I was introduced to LENYO BRT devices, I use them regularly. I am in very good shape now and my Achilles is strong.”

Szilveszter Csollany

Gymnastics, Hungarian Olympic and World Champion

Before the world championship in 2002 I was injured – my double-muscle was sore and it hurt very much. I even had to cancel a competition. I learned about LENYO BRT devices during the world championship in Debrecen where we had the opportunity to use them during the training period. I ended up winning a gold medal.”

Niki Sidiropoulou

Fencing, Member of the Greek Olympic team since 1996, European Champion silver medalist, multiple World Cup medalist, 6-time Champion of Greece, 2017 Hungarian Champion 

“After 35 years of active sports wear on my muscles and joints, my joints hurt day and night, and I have noticed that regeneration is slower. Two years ago, I started using the LENYO Lux BRT device after training sessions and at nighttime. Although my activity is the same, and I am over 40-years-old, all of my chronic complaints have disappeared. I also rest much better at night since using the BRT device – it helps a lot in my relaxation and ’down-time’. I am also an active and busy housewife, preparing meals daily and taking care of my children, so it is very important that I feel as fit as I did in my twenties. I am more vital and energetic then ever!”

Szilvia Szabolcsi

Cycling, 5th-place, 2000 Summer Olympic competitor, European Sprint Champion


National speed-skating team

Speed skating, Hungarian national team, European Champions, 5th-place Olympic team


Dr. Zsolt Komka

Hungarian Canoe Federation, Hungarian national team physician

”During the preparations for the London Olympic Games, the athletes all used LENYO BRT devices –both day and night. They could withstand load much better, they slept better, and any symptoms resulting from overload disappeared by morning.”

Dr. Elvira Babindak

Medical Director of the Hungarian Taekwondo Federation, recipient of the “Best of Sport Medicine 2012” award

”For the victory, it is not enough to work hard and have a good deal of natural inborn talent. Emotional and mental strength, as well as long injury-free periods, are needed for successful competition. Without optimal concentration, four years of hard work could be wasted and a medal lost. LENYO BRT stress management programs help athletes to give their very best, improve their decision-making capabilities, shorten their response times and increase muscle performance. BRT also helps to prolong injury-free periods – even during intensive training and competitions. I always use LENYO BRT devices for peak performance with my athletes.”

Prof. Dr. Gabor Pavlik

Sports physician, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Professor Emeritus at Semmelweis University – Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

”While playing in Italy in 1997, Tamás Varga was diagnosed with a large inflammatory process related to several vertebrae. No treatment was successful and an operation was already indicated when a friend recommended electromagnetic therapy. This is how Tamás found the Hippocampus Institute and LENYO BRT devices. He used BRT devices several times per day, combined with a change of diet and regular massage. In 1999, he resumed playing professional water polo again and won several major titles, including two Olympic gold medals and the World Championship title.”

LENYO Professionals

Gabor Lednyiczky

Developer of Bioregulation Technology, clinical bio-cybernetitian

“I started out dedicating myself to finding new solutions for vertebral column and joint problems. The metabolic connection of joints moved me to specialize in nutrition. Through the combination of bio-communication support and dietary changes, I found that I was able to help many people. One of these persons was Tamás Varga, a two-time Olympic waterpolo champion, who was in a terrible pain for 15 months before a colleague from Switzerland transferred him to me. He had three inflamed vertebrae which seriously limited his mobility. Every movement was painful for him. After changing his diet and eliminating dairy, we focused on the reduction of inflammation and rehabilitation of the related muscles. In only three months Tamás was able to start training again, during which time we focused on restructuring the muscles and developing a new swimming style that would work better for him. Tamás continued with daily BRT sessions, followed the new dietary guidelines, and became an essential member of the national team once again. He won Olympic gold medals in 2004 and 2008, and he continued playing waterpolo at the international level until the age of 40-years-old. BRT became an essential and ongoing part of his health-conscious lifestyle.”

Dr. Erzsebet Tusor

Holistic MD practitioner

Dr. Erzsébet Tusor originally specialized in rheumatology and physiotherapy. However, after seeing and understanding how complex the development of chronic cases actually was, she began focusing on assessing the origins of each individual case. With the help of hypnotherapy and acupuncture, she came to understand how emotions and lifestyle play a big part in the development of chronic disease — and basically all adaptation syndromes. Understanding that BRT can effectively addresse all the issues of chronic disease – both emotional and physical — Dr. Tusor has used LENYO BRT devices with all of her patients since 2005. 

”My patients feel relaxed and awakened after a BRT session. Their personal stress management strategies just click into place and start to work. After BRT, my patients have a renewed, positive outlook on life. My work has become much easier and much more efficient since I integrated BRT into my practice.”


Reena Chouhan

Board-certified neurotherapist and BRT specialist in India

”My dedication is to help people with the most natural solutions. The two techniques I specialize in are neurotherapy and bioregulation therapy — because both help to reestablish the body’s energy and self-regulation capabilities. In the past 13 years, I have seen wonderful results through a combination of a personal approach and LENYO BRT technology, which improves information flow in the body.”

Dr. Arturo O’Byrne

Surgeon. Chair in Integrative Medicine. U. Javeriana.cal. Colombia. Educator and researcher in Integrative Medicine and BioRegulation.

Dr. Arturo O’Byrne is one of the most well-known medical doctors in Latin America, and other Spanish-speaking countries, because of his holistic teaching activities at many universities. After a long career in internal and sports medicine, he decided to specialize in homotoxicology and orthomolecular medicine. In 2005, he began to work with Hippocampus and soon became a specialist in BRT. Since 2007, he has lectured and taught on BRT and related topics. As a result of his teaching, hundreds of clinics in the Americas and Europe use LENYO BRT technology and devices.

Dr. Israel Finkelstein

Innovative Physician in Nephrectomy and Transplant Techniques

Dr. Israel Finkelstein is a successful medical doctor who has been responsible for introducing specific kidney and liver transplant methods to medical practitioners and institutions in several different countries. Dr. Finkelstein first learned about BRT, and related applications in 2006, when he participated in several Hippocampus education programs. Today he works only with LENYO BRT devices, focusing on gerontology-related applications, including Alzheimer’s disease. One of the most amazing recoveries he witnessed was the rapid speech and gait recovery of the famous actor Rogelio Guerra in 2017.

“I was involved in a severe traffic accident in which I suffered multiple broken bones, including a complicated ankle and tibia fracture, and six broken ribs for which I required metal implants. Because of my expertise and experience with BRT, I chose to use the LENYO BRT technology on myself and was able to return to work in an astonishingly short period of two months.”

Dr. Finkelstein uses his own case study and recovery in his education sessions.


Rogelio Guerra

Mexican Actor. lecturer

Rogelio Guerra starred in many famous Latin American television productions and  has worked on more than one hundred movies and thousands of television series and episodes. In his mid-70s, Guerra developed Alzheimer’s disease. His cognitive skills diminished so much that his speech became impossible for others to understand, and  his gait became very slow and unstable. His quality of life was affected so immensely that he had to stop work and avoid all social appearances. After living for two years with these tremendous limitations, Guerra discovered Dr. Israel Finkelstein.  Dr. Finkelstein was able to help him by administering daily BRT sessions along with specific supplements. Within two months, Guerra’s gait was back to 85%, and he could once again speak both Spanish and English fluently. He, once again, was able to participate in social events, give speeches and dance for many hours.

Dr. Darabosné Tim Irma

Master Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Semmelweis

Dr. Darabosné Tim Irma has taught for more than 25 years in the Department of Physiotherapy at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. For the last decade, Dr. Darabosné has focused on BRT, and at her request, the physiotherapy department at the University purchased several LENYO BRT devices, which she uses as part of her teaching  courses.

“Also, professors and other members of the educational personnel at the university, come with their aches and pains for regular BRT sessions. LENYO BRT devices are user-friendly and efficient.”

Ildiko Acs

Head of the Department of Physiotherapy, National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, Hungary

Ildikó Ács is the head physiotherapist and senior teacher for interns at the National Medical Rehabilitation Institute in Budapest, Hungary. For the last 10 years, she has used BRT for every patient at the department. She also lectures at major conferences about how to combine BRT technology and applications with conventional electro-therapy.

“I enjoy developing new combinations in physiotherapy applications and BRT gives me a lot of inspiration.”


Dr. Anna Pfeifenroth

General practitioner, traditional Chinese doctor, acupressor, familiar with numerous alternative therapies

Dr. Anna Pfeifenróth is a holistic MD practitioner and mother of five boys. She originally specialised in clinical laboratory assessments. Then, understanding that nutrition and exercise have a major impact on blood values, she began to extensively study diet and phytotherapy — specializing in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and later in physiotherapy. Dr.  Pfeifenróth has used BRT for more than 15 years in her practice, and she is currently one of the senior professors at Hippocampus.

”All of my observations in the diverse application fields of BRT tell me that LENYO BRT technology helps the body improve biological communications and restore self-regulation processes. The clinical work I saw supported the early research data, which convinced me to start working with BRT . . . and in 2002-2001, Hippocampus and the promotion of BRT technology changed my professional life.”

LENYO for Animals

Roland Raffer

Bos Genetic Plant Manager

“I’ve used the LENYO SanoCenter BRT device a lot in the field of reproductive biology, and in cases of hoof infections and bull injuries. My experience with BRT technology has been positive from an ethological point of view.”

Dr. Krisztina Machay

Veterinarian, field veterinarian Kincsem Park

“I regularly use the LENYO Lux BRT device as a complementary modality in my vet practice with good results. I have also used the technology on horses as a supplemental therapy for injuries. After hearing about the results of the technology in South America, I collaborated in the development and testing of the LENYO Horse device. With the help of my colleague Dr. Rita Lanszki, we tested the device on the performance and recovery of racehorses, which was published in a study. I have also used the LENYO Horse device as an adjunct for injury.”


Dr. Rita Lanszki


“As a new veterinarian, it was a great help that the Chamber supported my research on a new technology — BRT. The lab results and the feedback from the riders convinced me that LENYO BRT devices have a real future in animal welfare.”

Dr. Oscar Aguilar

Head of Department Veterinarian (State University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica)

”Using the LENYO Lux BRT device has opened up a whole new perspective for me. I often see animals with acid reflux and osteomyelitis. We used BRT technology in tandem with other methods to rehabilitate an animal that was previously scheduled to be euthanised due to disease. Within six months, the mare was healthy and able to be ridden again. I have also used the LENYO Lux as an adjunct for post-operative, resistant, fungal infections that have persisted for many years. It greatly helps my work. Also, the BRT device has done wonders for shy, spooky, difficult-to-train horses, as we have seen racehorses start and finish their training sessions with ease.”

Dr. Andrea Ferris

Veterinarian in San Jose, Costa Rica

“I have been working with LENYO BRT technology for years. It helps me a lot in my work with both healthy and sick horses. I use BRT in cases of laminitis, injuries, skin problems, allergies, back pain and muscular problems during competitions. This new technology is also very useful in conjunction with allopathic treatments. One of the biggest advantages of the LENYO BRT device is that it is easy to use, even several times a day if necessary.”



Dr. Vendel Jozsef Nemet

Veterinarian, homeopath, naturopath

““In today’s digital world, as the last analogue Mohican, my attachment to IT is the use of software on LENYO BRT devices. I love mobilising the body’s self-healing power. I used to get frustrated by dealing only with symptoms, so at professional discussions I would say many times ’even though we treated it, it’s cured’ – but now I know how to deal with it, how to help the body’s internal regulatory processes. I have been using LENYO BRT devices for many years with satisfaction. Apart from homeopathy, BRT is the preferred tool in my practice.”

“Apart from homeopathy, BRT is my preferred tool in my practice.”

Aniko Kapeller


“In many difficult situations in my life, LENYO BRT technology has helped me, so I naturally decided to use this method with animals.  I used the first generation of mobile BRT devices and the LENYO Lux device. I applied the Lux first to a very fussy young dog, evidently to his great satisfaction, because when I moved the pad, he came whimpering after it and then lay back down on his own. And after he felt better, he was no longer interested. We later used the BRT devices on several neutered dogs and cats immediately after surgery to help with wound recovery — usually twice a day for an hour. In every case, we were able to remove sutures much earlier than usual.”

Szabolcs Krucso

Showjumper, multiple Hungarian national team and Hungarian champion, winner of numerous World Cups and international Grand Prix

“We are happy to use LENYO devices
to prepare for competitions.”



Andras Soltesz

Horse chiropractor


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