LENYO Professonal Devices

Use the technology with success in your center

Natural Energy for Wellbeing!

LENYO professional Bio-Regulation (BRT) devices are the most cutting-edge BRT devices available in today’s market. BRT devices are controlled by a personal computer, and users can select from hundreds of pre-configured protocols or select from individual programs to build their own customized protocols. Client data, session history and practitioner notes are automatically stored for reference at future sessions. The LENYO line of professional BRT devices has a solution for everyone — whether you are an individual user, a professional care-provider, or a multi-bed care facility. Hippocampus provides education and training on all professional devices.

The professional BRT devices emit signals in the range of 1Hz – 200 kHz or 1Hz – 1MHz.


Become a LENYO-BRT Professional

PEMF-BRT technology is used worldwide to help improve physical and mental performance. In many countries practitioners have integrated LENYO-BRT into their practice with great results!

LENYO Center

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Find out:

  • Why you should add PEMF-BRT to your clinic or practice
  • Which devices are suitable for your practice
  • What training LENYO World provides
  • What studies and evidence exist for PEMF-BRT


LENYO CellCom PEMF device


The LENYO CellCom (LCC) BRT device is the most advanced device in the LENYO portfolio of BRT products. The LCC is a computer-controlled, endogenous, biofeedback device that captures the body’s own internally-generated information (signalling) via two input channels. Once the incoming signals have been captured, the LCC uses advanced BRT technology to slightly adjust that information and then feed it back to the body as modified signals. These adjusted signals create gentle electromagnetic field changes that support effective biological communications within the body. More specifically, BRT signals receive information from, and also target, select communication channels — Biological Windows (BW) – in order to clear blockages and restore communication pathways. Unblocked and well-functioning biological communications help the body more efficiently process electrical and chemical exchanges associated with those specific BW channels. With more than 650 pre-loaded programs and over 600 protocols (tissue- and condition-specific), the LCC  can deliver highly-cutomized session while still being user friendly. Custom-made protocols can also be individually created or imported from other practitioners.

LENYO SanoCenter PEMF device

LENYO SanoCenter

The LENYO SanoCenter (LSC)  is a professional, multi-channel, computer-controlled BRT device that works on several biological levels at the same time — supporting four different communication channels simultaneously. Due to its variability and complexity, the LSC is one of the leading exogenous, BRT devices in the iindustry. It can form a network of signal generators and serve up to 64 clients simultaneously — or deliver multiple protocols to a single user. The LSC offers 160 automated BRT programs and over 700 protocols that deal with a variety of health and wellness areas.

LENYO Fitness

The LENYO Fitness BRT device is convenient, easy to use, simple to learn, and suitable for all age groups. The LENYO Fitness is designed for regular sports enthusiasts and people with locomotor problems. The LENYO Fitness can run two different sets of subprograms, with pauses inserted. The shorter program set (27 minutes) stops after going through all the subprograms, while the longer program set (1 hour 51 minutes) runs in repeated cycles. The LENYO Fitness is operated via two buttons on the device, and uses applicator pads (mattresses) to receive signals.

LENYO Lux Plus

The LENYO Lux Plus (LLP) is a wellness BRT device that is controlled by a personal computer. The software is easy to use and requires no special computer skills. The user can customize protocols, duration and intensity from an infinite combination of 136 programs and over 100 compiled protocols.  The LLP is comprehensive, programmable, simple to learn, and suitable for all age groups. The LLP uses pads (mattresses) to receive signals.

Dr. Zsolt Komka

Hungarian Canoe Federation, Hungarian national team physician

”During the preparations for the London Olympic Games, the athletes all used LENYO BRT devices –both day and night. They could withstand load much better, they slept better, and any symptoms resulting from overload disappeared by morning.”

Prof. Dr. Gabor Pavlik

Sports physician, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Professor Emeritus at Semmelweis University – Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

”While playing in Italy in 1997, Tamás Varga was diagnosed with a large inflammatory process related to several vertebrae. No treatment was successful and an operation was already indicated when a friend recommended electromagnetic therapy. This is how Tamás found the Hippocampus Institute and LENYO BRT devices. He used BRT devices several times per day, combined with a change of diet and regular massage. In 1999, he resumed playing professional water polo again and won several major titles, including two Olympic gold medals and the World Championship title.”

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LENYO World?

  • We are the original manufacturer
  • We ensure 100% QC inspection during all phases of manufacturing
  • We offer industry-leading quality and service with a competitive price tag
  • We offer superior after-sale service and technical support. We reply within 48 hours to questions or technical issues
  • Customer service and satisfaction is a top priority. We try to quickly address any questions or concerns about our products, shipping, packaging, etc.

    Do you provide technical support?

    • Yes, we provide full after-sale service and technical support
    • Please message us from Monday to Friday at Whatsapp no. +36 70 3827291 (Central Europeam Time (CET) 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or email us at lenyo@lenyolife.com
    • You can also contact any of our distributors

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