Lenyo CellCom (LCC)
The LCC is an endogenous device, because it uses uniquely signals of the organism received by the two input channels. Through a sophisticated filtering and modulation technology the actual content of the Biological Window (BW) will be used for supporting information processing in the body.
More than 650 pre-loaded programs and over 600 (tissue and condition specific) protocols make the application user-friendly. Also custom made protocols can be created or imported from other practitioners.
Sessions are shorter than ninety minutes, sometimes only twenty minutes, and due to the extremely profound impact on the information processing of the targeted biological subunits, typically administered only once or maximum twice weekly. LCC sessions are regularly complemented with other exogenous BRT sessions, in order to support adaptational reactions of the organism initiated with the LCC session.

Lenyo SanoCenter (LSC)
The LSC is the pro system among the exogenous devices due to its variability and complexity.
It can form a network of signal generators and serve up to 64 clients simultaneously or deliver several programs for one sole person.
The word exogenous serves here the differentiation from the endogenous approach in BRT, where the organism delivers the input signals for the session. Here uniquely the signal generator and the antenna/applicator are responsible for the generated field which serves as carrier wave for the internal communication signals of the organism. This field must be fine tuned to the targeted BW in order to give the possibility to the cells to receive all actually present biological signals in the range of the antenna.
Each BW is supported on average only for a few seconds, or maximum for a minute because of the fantastic fast speed of metabolic activity in the human cells. A program typically contains 30-85 sub-programs for the different BWs of the targeted zone; this makes sure that the different metabolic activities of the targeted biological sub-unit are all sufficiently supported in their adaptation processes.

Most of the LSC protocols are prepared for a 4-channel application, where four independent signal generators deliver synergistically the carrier waves during the session. This can be compared to an orchestra, in which the different instruments support each other in the expression of the melody, when playing together following the notes of the symphony. As the human body can be represented like a big orchestra, in which the different organs represent the different instrument groups; the cooperation of the organs and the cells in the organs is equally important as the cooperation of the different instrumentalists in the symphonic orchestra. That is why a multi-channel BRT application is more efficient than a single channel one; the same way like a solo instrument can show less details of the melody than the whole symphonic orchestra, which makes the sound full-bodied.