What is E-Smog and why is it bad?
These days everyone knows about E-Smog. It is maybe the most insidious type of pollution, as it is invisible, you can’t smell it, most of the cases you can’t even feel it, but it is there, everywhere in our modern societies. And it is just as harmful as any other kind of smog is.
Electronic Smog, or E-Smog, is the accumulation of electromagnetic fields.
These fields are emitted from all sorts of electric devices, even from the wiring in your bedroom wall. This invisible ‘smog’ fogs over almost everything. It is thinner in some places but particularly dense around the sources such as cordless phone bases, Wi-Fi routers, mobile phones, and computers to name but a few.
E-Smog can have serious effects on our health…
These days asthma, allergies, various cancers, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, and other “modern day diseases” are on the rise, and are beginning to be attributed to electromagnetic exposure, by scientists[i].
Electro-sensitive people are able to feel the effects of these fields, experiencing different kind of unpleasant symptoms. But most of us unaware of it, and accept their symptoms of headaches, pins & needles, numbness, fatigue, irritability etc, as perfectly normal parts of life, until the constant exposure to these harmful electromagnetic fields leads to more serious conditions.
[i] A.H. Frey: Electromagnetis field interactions with biological systems (1993) PMID 8440406, doi: 10.1096/fasebj.7.2.8440406.
Dominique Belpomme, Philippe Irigaray: Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathologic Disorder (2020) PMID 32168876 doi: 10.3390/ijms21061915.
What is the biofield and its significance:
All living system, including the human body, form a very complex electromagnetic field around themselves, known as “biofield”.
This biofield contains unit charges, ions, cells; comp
onents produced by the activities of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the heart – including processes related to adaptation.
Adaptation relies on our body’s ability to sense and interact with the environment, and accordingly alter the properties of its own biofield. These constant changes in the biofield then trigger modifications in different biological processes. This process called adaptation.
It is well known that the environment can modify bodily functions to a large extent, and thus contribute to improving or reducing our well-being and performance. For example, front-sensitive people able to predict an upcoming weather change, because it triggers strong and stressful changes in their neuro-endocrine regulation through changes in the planet’s electromagnetic field. Or a pleasant encounter with an animal can cause so large change in the biofield, that it’s used for therapeutic purposes, such as equine therapy or animal therapy.
Biofield and electromagnetic field
As our biofield in nature is a special electromagnetic field (EMF
), the quality of electromagnetic environment we are living is extremely important.
We can’t survive without the Earth natural electromagnetic field, but also can be harmed (both physically and mentally) by certain kind of electromagnetic fields.
Unfortunately, our electronic devices – TV, Wi-Fi, mobile phone, smart devices, microware, transformers etc. fell into the latter category.
What is a LENYO space harmoniser?
The LENYO Space Harmoniser is an electrical wellness device that ensures that the electromagnetic environment around us is in tune with the body’s basic vibrational needs. Everyone knows that we live in a complex electromagnetic environment.
From the Earth’s natural electromagnetic field to our smart devices, almost everything contributes to this field, even the human body[i].
The quality of this complex electromagnetic field is very important for our physical and mental health. During the past century, our environment’s electromagnetic field has changed significantly with the general introduction of technological advances. It is time to use modern technology to restore the optimal vibrational environment of our planet. LENYO Space Harmoniser devices are designed to create that kind of pleasant environment within an 8 meters radius[ii].
[i] Five scientific publications:
1.) Zeitgebers of skeletal muscle and implications for metabolic health (Brendan M. Gabriel, Juleen R. Zierath in: The Journal of Physiology; 07 May 2021 https://doi.org/10.1113/JP280884 https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1113/JP280884;
2.) Aleksandr S. Presman: Electromagnetic Fields and Life (Plenum Press, 1970) https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-1-4757-0635-2%2F1.pdf;
3.) William Ross Adey: Biological Effects of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation (in James C. Lin: Electromagnetic Interaction with Biological Systems; Springer, 1989);
4.) Dallmann R, Viola AU, Tarokh L, Cajochen C & Brown SA (2012). The human circadian metabolome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 2625– 2629.;
5.) Ding G, Gong Y, Eckel-Mahan KL & Sun Z (2018). Central circadian clock regulates energy metabolism. Adv Exp Med Biol 1090, 79– 103.
Three clearly written books by the eminent orthopaedic surgeon, researcher and university professor Professor Becker: 1.) Becker Robert O. Becker, Andrew A. Marino: Electromagnetism and Life (1982); 2.) Robert O. Becker, Gary Selden: The Body Electric (1985); 3.) Robert O. Becker: Cross Currents (1986)
A historical summary of the biological role of electricity: Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow – The History of Electricity and Life (2020)
[ii] The size of the range of the Lenyo Space Harmoniser depends on its interactions with devices and objects in its environment. The range of eight metres is ideally understood without reinforced concrete walls and other modifying effects.
How the LENYO Space Harmoniser can help?
Our LENYO Space Harmoniser is designed to interfere both, with these harmful electromagnetic fields and the biofield of those within its 8m range of effectiveness.
It works like a transmitter, handling information between the electronically polluted environment and your biofield. By the end of thousands of biofeedback loops per second, your biofield will be able to filter out the harmful effects of E-Smog.
It means, LENYO Space Harmoniser will not affect the working of your other (smart) devices. Instead, it “teaches” your biofield to deal with their negative effects.
As a result, while using the LENYO Space Harmoniser, even an electro-sensitive person will be able to use electronic devices (or stay next to a transformer), without any ill effects.