„My objective is to research and educate the scientific, clinical and public communities related to the biophysical approach in biology and medicine; to develop applications in bio-regulation therapy and other functional treatments.”
Early development of interest for the healing arts
Gabor was confronted at an early age with articular and periarticular tissue ailments of the body. His joint problems, allergies and severe migraines made him aware of the consequences of diet and the life style factors. His main interest in education was math and physics and early in life participated in specific math competitions.

Turning point
An important milestone of his life was the triple hernia operation of his mother. At the age of 11 he actively participated in her rehabilitation and soon made the turning point by developing his own massage technics through extraordinary sensitivity and perseverance. He basically re-
developed Shiatsu, the Japanese acupressure style. Later these technics led him to understand the Chinese meridian system and the Indian bioenergetic system.
Professional career and studies
Following the age of 19, Gabor was involved on a daily bases in practicing healing arts. His permanent studies made it possible to develop a complex bioenergetic approach, including physical and mental exercise, dietary elements and Chi Kung. To further his studies, Gabor left Hungary in 1983.
first application of German bioinformatic devices – 1984
acupuncture study at Societas Medicinae Sinensis (Munich, Germany) – 1985-’86
first application of a computerised bioinformatic device – 1987
physiotherapy study at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University for Applied Sciences (Amsterdam, Holland) – 1989-’93
BRT at Brügemann Institut Internazionale Medizinische Arbeitskreis (Munich, Germany) – 1991-’92
psychology study at Miskolc Philosopher Association (Miskolc, Hungary) – 1997-2000
While learning about the different modalities of bioenergetic processes, Gabor felt motivation to develop a complex technology for optimising adaptation and all necessary logistic steps on tissue and cellular level. That is why his main focus is on electromagnetic bio-communication and related studies.
He initiated a series of complex research programs to prove the practical applicability of:
mitogenetic radiation
biophoton emission of DNA
information content transmitted by the so called biological windows as observed in major Russian, German, and North American research facilities.
ongoing research projects in several Institutes of the Academy of Science of the Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine); main topics: BRT applications in oncology, gerontology, immunology, radiobiology, neurology and intensive care – 1993-’98
development and certification of a complex functional electro-diagnostic method – Functional Electro- Dynamic Test (FEDT) – and a complex diagnostic and therapeutic device with ECG, BRT and FEDT applications – 1993-’96
cooperation with the research group of Martin Blanc and Reba Goodman (Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University, New York, USA); main topic: BRT induced heat shock protein expression – 1995
participation in different research projects at Institute of Noetic Sciences (Sausalito, USA); main topics: identifying contactless and remote healing effects; functional electrodynamic testing (FEDT), and the role of bioelectric testing methods in monitoring the healing process – 1995-’97
cooperation with Mea-Wan Ho’s research group (Department of Biology, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK); topic: BRT induced immediate and long term changes in metabolic processes – 1996-’97

Lecturing activities
Gabor’s research activities and deep involvement in the clinical work resulted in a large scale lecturing activity.
He lectured in many universities and major hospitals, like
Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad (Arad, Rumania)
Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
Hospital Angeles Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)
Hospital Military de Santiago (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Hungarian Army Central Military Hospital (Budapest, Hungary)
Hungarian Army Military Hospital (Pecs, Hungary)
Istanbul Technical University (Istanbul, Turkey)
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico City, Mexico)
Lomonosov University (Moscow)
Magnet Hospital (Ankara, Turkey)
Medicana Hospital (Konya, Turkey)
National Taiwan University Hospital (Taipei, Taiwan)
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kiev, Ukraine)
Universidad Americana (San Jose, Costa Rica)
San Jose State University (San Jose, California)
Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary)
Taipei Medical University (Taipei, Taiwan)
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)
The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kiev, Ukraine)
Universidad de la Valle (Cali, Columbia)
Universidad Líbre (Cali, Columbia)
University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
University of Padova (Padova, Italy)
University of Pavia (Pavia, Italy)
University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)