In Budapest Hungary, Hippocampus started to develop first test equipment, followed by therapy devices; all based on above mentioned research of self-regulation processes of the organism.
The first 12 channels test and 1 channel therapy equipment, the Cerebellum Multichannel Medical Instrument (CMMI) was produced in late 1994 and in 1996 certified as a medical device.
Administering the own signals of the organism for adaptation support
In 1998 the first generation of the CellCom device was introduced. This device processes electromagnetic signals of the organism and uses selected vibrational components of the
endogenous signals for therapy. Endogenous BRT method makes it possible that biological structures receive exact matching components of the information content available in the communication network of the organism.

BRT home units
Hippocampus introduced in the year 2000 small portable home version units of the CMMI’s therapy module. This was followed during the years by various modalities of home devices in order to make BRT available for each and everyone.
Multi-channel devices
Increased environmental stress on the organism made it necessary to develop equipment which works on several biological levels in the same time.
This is how the 4-channel BRT technology was born, which can support four different communication channels simultaneously. Typically, the nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system are supported equally to the target zone under therapy.
New professional units and certification issues
After the political turmoil regarding complementary medicine regulations in Hungary, Hippocampus did not continue the medical certification of its devices, rather classified them as “wellness equipment” in order, that all user groups can use them. In 2011 for a period of 3 years, most of the new generation technologies were again classified as “medical device”.
Due to changes in the re-certification politics, in September 2014 these certificates were not renewed, since BRT is fundamentally different from allopathic therapy approaches and its application is not connected with any medical claim. BRT provides information and biological units can follow along with more precise adaptational reactions in their metabolic processes; that makes possible higher biological coherence, stronger immune system and making better decisions on mental-emotional level.
For Hippocampus the category “professional equipment” means professional documentation features in the software, where every session is automatically allocated to a client and making sure that one client can not receive the protocol of another client.